Showing all 9 results
Flextone EZ Hen Hunting Realistic Turkey Sounds Easy-to-Blow Diaphragm Mouth Call with Double Latex Reed
EFFECTIVE SOUNDS - This EZ Hen diaphragm turkey call from Flextone is a traditional double reed diaphragm call with no cuts that creates perfect realistic full range of hen turkey sounds to bring them in the field
REALISTIC SOUNDS - Head out for a day of hunting with the Flextone EZ
Primos Hunting Hook Hunter Long Hook Upper Cut Turkey Mouth Call
Hook Hunter LONG with Upper Cut, perfect for raspy yelps
Premium Gauge Reeds and precision hand made cuts
Primos Hunting Hook Hunter Series 2 Ghost Cut Turkey Call
Two latex reeds with "Ghost" cut
Designed by a team of hunters with over 100 years of turkey hunting experience
Woodhaven Fusion Ceramic
High-performance turkey calling in all weather conditions
Woodhaven THP Echo
Sweet-sounding mouth call designed for heavily-hunted turkeys
Chosen by the guys at “The Hunting Public” TV show
Zink Calls Lucky Lady Diaphragm Mouth Turkey Call with Combo Cut & Triple Prophylactic Reed
PREMIUM TURKEY CALLS - This Zink Lucky Lady diaphragm call produces a full range of turkey sounds with incredible realism; The construction of the tape and reeds make it the ideal turkey hunting call; Storage holder included
PRACTICAL DESIGN - The Lucky Lady turkey call features a triple reed framed in
Zink Calls X-Lady Diaphragm Mouth Turkey Call with Split-V Cut and Triple Latex Reed
PREMIUM TURKEY CALLS - Zink X-Lady turkey call is designed with premium 3-reed V cut, which offers heavy rasp for sharp cutting; Use this turkey diaphragm call to mimic the tone of a raspy old hen with superior volume; Storage holder included
PRACTICAL DESIGN - A heavy latex upper reed with
Zink Calls Z-Cutter Waterfowl Marsh Field Reed Forest Water Turkey Aggressive Cutting Yelping Diaphragm Triple Reed Mouth Call
ZINK Z-CUTTER MOUTH CALL - The Zink Z-Cutter Diaphragm Turkey Call has a regular sized frame with three prophylactic reeds. It features a cutter style cut making it a great call for producing aggressive cutts and yelp
SUPER-REALISTIC SOUNDS - Zink's all-new Z-Cutter mouth call belts out super-realistic and aggressive cutts
ZINK Z-Combo Waterfowl Marsh Field Reed Forest Water Turkey Gobbling Yelps Clucks Purrs Diaphragm Combo-Cut Split V Mouth Call.
ZINK Z-COMBO MOUTH CALL - The Zink Z-Combo diaphragm call is an innovative two-reed version of the popular "combo-cut" design favored by many hunters, which is half “cutter” and half "split V"
SUPER-REALISTIC SOUNDS - Zink's all-new Z-Combo mouth call belts out super-realistic yelps with just the right amount of high