Showing 241–246 of 246 results
Zink Calls Z-Cutter Waterfowl Marsh Field Reed Forest Water Turkey Aggressive Cutting Yelping Diaphragm Triple Reed Mouth Call
ZINK Z-CUTTER MOUTH CALL - The Zink Z-Cutter Diaphragm Turkey Call has a regular sized frame with three prophylactic reeds. It features a cutter style cut making it a great call for producing aggressive cutts and yelp
SUPER-REALISTIC SOUNDS - Zink's all-new Z-Cutter mouth call belts out super-realistic and aggressive cutts
Zink Calls Z-Pak Hand-Built Easy-to-Use Turkey Hunting Diaphragm Game Calls – Z-Yelper Double Reed, Z-Cutter Triple Reed, Z-Combo V-Notch Double Reed
ZINK CALLS - Making our diaphragm turkey calls, we hand-stretch the reeds, stamp the frame, place reeds and frame on tape, and then use extra narrow scissors to place cuts on select reeds; The obsession for doing most of these by hand breeds perfection
Z-YELPER CALL - Veterans and beginners alike
Zink Calls Z-Yelper Waterfowl Marsh Field Reed Forest Water Turkey Classic Yelping Diaphragm Double Cut Mouth Call
ZINK Z-YELPER MOUTH CALL - The Zink Z-Yelper Diaphragm Turkey Call featuring two .003" reeds with a simple double cut allow the Z-Yelper to recreate the high-to-low note of a classic yelp
SUPER-REALISTIC SOUNDS - Zink's all-new Z-Cutter mouth call belts out super-realistic and classic yelps that effectively attract turkeys taking
Zink Thunder Cutter Mouth Call
Three-reed construction with Cutter cut
Versatile mouth call delivers high-pitched yelps, cutts and clucks as well as soft purrs
Fits a variety of tones and calling styles
Zink Triple Pak Hand-Built Easy-to-Use Turkey Hunting Diaphragm Game Calls – X-Lady Call, Wicked Lady Call, Lucky Lady Call
ZINK TRIPLE PAK DIAPHRAGM TURKEY CALLS: These ladies are sure to get long beards’ attention. With a wide variety of reeds and cuts, the Triple Pak delivers a full arsenal of turkey calls to get the job done. Triple Pak includes: – X-Lady split-V cut triple reed; – Lucky Lady
ZINK Z-Combo Waterfowl Marsh Field Reed Forest Water Turkey Gobbling Yelps Clucks Purrs Diaphragm Combo-Cut Split V Mouth Call.
ZINK Z-COMBO MOUTH CALL - The Zink Z-Combo diaphragm call is an innovative two-reed version of the popular "combo-cut" design favored by many hunters, which is half “cutter” and half "split V"
SUPER-REALISTIC SOUNDS - Zink's all-new Z-Combo mouth call belts out super-realistic yelps with just the right amount of high