Select the best turkey call for you

With all of these turkey calls to choose from, it can feel overwhelming to decide which call is right for you. However, the truth is, there is no magic call. Because every hunt is different, it will be in your best interest to get acquainted with several different calls if you want to increase your chances of success this spring.
Having options when you are on a hunt is always a good strategy as turkeys can be as unpredictable as the weather. If you are new to turkey calling, you may want to start with something simple like a push-button call or a box call. For more seasoned hunters, a slate call or a diaphragm call might give you the versatility and realistic sound you need to fill your tag. Or you may want to try your hand at hunting like our nation’s first hunters and build your own wing bone call.
Whatever you decide, make sure you put in the time to learn how to properly use your call. It could make the difference between filling your tag or coming home empty-handed.