How Many Calls Can A Wild Turkey Make?
Wild turkeys have at least 29 different vocalizations, including:
A short, sharp sound that turkeys use to communicate with their flock. Hens make this sound when they're feeding and can be heard from about 80 to 100 yards away.
A loud, throaty, descending sound that male turkeys make to attract hens and warn off other males. Male turkeys often gobble from their treetop roosts.
A high-pitched "kee" sound followed by a lower-pitched "yuk" sound. Turkeys use yelps to say "come here". There are several variations of the yelp, including the tree yelp, alarm yelp, and lost yelp.
Kee kee run
A three-note call that lasts about two seconds. Young turkeys make this call when they're lost.
Tree call
A series of soft, muffled yelps that roosted turkeys make. The volume of the call may increase as fly-down time approaches.
Some other turkey sounds include: Assembly call, Cluck & purr, Cutt, Excited yelp, and Fly down or fly-up cackle.
When turkey hunting, it's recommended to call every 15 minutes or so, starting off quieter and getting louder as the day progresses.